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Monday, April 27, 2020

ALL Stagflation FRQ's

ALL Stagflation FRQ's

2006 AP Macroeconomics Exam

Below Full Employment = Recession
(B.) Assume an increase in the world price of oil.
Stagflation can also be called a
Negative Supply Shock = Oil Shortage
Cost Push Inflation = Business Costs increase, Businesses will raise their prices
Inflationary Expectations = Expectations of increase in costs

(C.) What will happen to unemployment?
Always link unemployment with output
Output decreases unemployment increases

2005 AP Macroeconomics Exam

In the Short-Run, there is a trade-off between inflation and unemployment

(B.) Short-Run Aggregate Supply shifts to the left = (Stagflation)
(i) One factor that could have caused the shift left
(ii) Show the effect
Business Costs increasing shifts the SRAS curve left
Wages increased
Input prices increased
Business taxes increased
Productivity decreased

A leftward shift of the SRAS curve is
a rightward shift of the SRPC

(C.) Draw a CLG of the LRPC at 5%.

(D.) What is the relationship between inflation and unemployment in the long-run?

There is no relationship between inflation and unemployment
in the long-run.

2004B AP Macroeconomics Exam

(A.) Using an AD/AS graph show the increase in the price of oil.
(i) Real Output
(ii) Price Level

Oil price increase business costs as all business use gas for transportation
and electricity
the US gets about 85% of its electricity from coal, oil, natural gas
if oil prices increase electricity and transportation costs increase
leftward shift of the SRAS

(B.) Show the increase on the oil prices with a Phillips curve graph.

Lefts ward shift of the SRAS curve is a
rightward shift of the SRPC

(C.) Assume that the FED (Central Bank)  increases the Money Supply
(i) Explain how increasing the money supply will affect the AD.

Money supply increases and the Nominal Interest Rates decrease
NIR decrease increases investment which increases AD

(ii) Indicate how this will affect the PL and Output

MS increases, NIR decrease, Investment Increases, AD increases, PL increases, RGDP increases and Output increases

(D.) The government decides to reduce business taxes to get us out of the Stagflation scenario.

A decrease in business taxes will 
shift the SRAS curve to the right

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